The Foodnome Blog

How to Start a Food Business at Home, Legally

February 11, 2020

“I’ve always wanted to get into cooking professionally, but…”
Arturo Ramos preparing a salad

The amount of times we’ve heard this phrase nearly matches the money it takes to open a brick and mortar restaurant (which hovers around $265,000, if you’re wondering).

The high financial barrier, inaccessible bureaucracy, endless hours, or even the simple risk of finding out your business concept isn’t at the level you need it? Yeah, all pretty scary stuff when risking your life savings.

a plate of meatballs, garlic bread, and a side salad.

So how can someone enter the food industry as an entrepreneur anymore? It seems impossible!

The solution - Home restaurants.

Denise from Soul Goodness in Riverside County.

Yes, really, we’ll help you open a restaurant in your home. Legally.

Since the passage of AB-626, permitted California home cooks can now sell meals out of their home kitchen. Foodnome is the leading online marketplace for homemade meals, and we guide home cooks through the permitting process for free.

In fact, all of our services are free to cooks.

The way we figure, we’re working with home cooks by building a network together. We don’t require cooks to sign a contract, and the business is 100% their own. We supply the business tools and marketplace, and home cooks supply the meals as we build this community together.

Our team will guide you through the permitting process and handle all of your paperwork with the county. All you have to do is sit back, schedule your kitchen walkthrough with the county, and receive your home restaurant permit. Soon enough, you’ll be selling homemade meals on Foodnome.

So let’s get started - Apply to work with us here!

The Foodnome family.

Written by Foodnome Team, we help cooks market and monetize their home restaurants and build communities through shared dining experiences. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.