The Foodnome Blog

Foodnome Gathers Riverside Cooks at Home Restaurant Workshop

August 07, 2019

prospective home cooks discussing the future of Home Restaurants.

Starting a food business can be tough, and doing so alone is nearly impossible.

Obtaining licenses, paying for cooking space, marketing to and securing repeat customers, all while paying personal bills? It’s no wonder that 60% of brick and mortar restaurant startups fail within their first year.

The inaccessible food industry keeps out tons of talented entrepreneurs looking to get their start. That’s why Foodnome held the first Home Restaurant Workshop on Saturday in Riverside, CA, where people can now sell food made in home kitchens.

But wait. Selling food from…where? A home kitchen? Isn’t that illegal?!

Not anymore.

An exciting piece of legislation, California’s Home Restaurant Bill (AB626), took effect at the state level in January, 2019. In June, Riverside became the first county in the state to adopt the legislation, and local Home Cooks are now mobilizing through Foodnome.

Isaac O'leary going over AB-626.

Home Restaurants perform a beautiful balancing act of service and kinship. By cooking expressive dishes out of their home kitchens, Home Cooks provide physical and social nourishment for their community members. With lower start-up costs, Foodnome’s assistance, and fellow passionate Home Cooks, this growing group is finding strength in numbers.

The energy of Saturday’s workshop was extraordinary, with PBS on the scene filming a portion of their documentary on the Home Restaurant movement in California. PBS filming for their upcoming documentary on the Home Restaurant movement. The first two Home Restaurant permit holders in the nation, Meghan Chane and Kulwant Sanghu, were both interviewed alongside Foodnome’s own Isaac O’Leary who organized the workshop.

Meghan Chane sharing her experiences about starting a Home Restaurant.

Home Cooks heard from permit holders, nonprofit organizers, and Foodnome’s team about the permitting process and plans for developing Riverside County’s Home Restaurant network. Attendees also brought homemade dishes to share, resulting in the most delicious potluck in Riverside history.

potluck food

You can start your Home Restaurant today on our website. If you don’t live in Riverside County, contact your county supervisors through our online portal to let them know you support AB 626!

Written by Foodnome Team, we help cooks market and monetize their home restaurants and build communities through shared dining experiences. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.